Whom to contact if…
Sometimes, you encounter surprises in your everyday life. We have compiled a list of useful links and guidelines to help you get answers when you need them.
Where do I find the contact information?
The contact information of the property manager, maintenance company and accountant are usually on the noticeboard and in the housing folder.
If you are using the e-services, you can find the information under ‘Omat Neliöt’.
Homeowners and housing company management
Finances, ordering documents, maintenance issues, etc.
Notification of water meter, move or alteration work
Notification of water meter, move or alteration work We recommend you use the ‘Omat Neliöt’ e-services to submit notifications. If you are unable to use the e-services, you can also submit notifications using the forms on our website. Muuttoilmoituslomake Modification notification Water meter report
Thinking about moving?
Are you looking for a new home, or would you like to switch apartments?